The Indus Valley Civilization

The Indian history starts with the discovery of Indus Valley  Civilization. We came to know about the Indus Valley Civilization from the excavated ruins of Harrapa and Mohenjodaro. In 1922 A.D. by Sir John Marshall. 

 The  findings of excavation shows that town planning  of Indus Valley civilization is very good Harappa and Mohenjodaro were big cities. The people of Indus Valley civilization  knew the art of town planning. And were expert in laying the cities. The roads and streets were wide and open. Many rads were 13 to 33  feet wide. 

                     Social life 
  From the findings it is clear that the socil life of the civilization is higher than that of Egypt  and Babylon. 
At that time the society was divided into four  parts. 
1.) First group was doctors, scholars, astrologers and priests. 
2.)  Second group of people was brave person whose duty was to save the country. 
3.) Third group was of traders  who were busy in many type of  the business. 
4.) Fourth group was of labourers and servants. 

 The people of Indus Valley civilization  eat coconut barley,rice milk, watermelon, fish, egg, mutton, vegetables, pork and palmdate. Wheat was the pricipal food article.
             Dress and Ornaments 
    The ruins which were found , we  can say that  the people of  indus valley  used to wear cotton and wool clothes. The women wear shirts and skirts and men wear dhoyi and shawl.  
 The ornaments were made of gold, silver, ivory, copper, jade,  crystal agate, cernalian and lapis. 
              Condition of woman  
The people in Indus Valley were worshipper of  mother godess. They gave lots of respect to woman. 

People use weapons like axes, spears, daggers, maces and stings, bows and arrows. 
 They probably use shilajeet and for treatment of ear, nose, throat and eyes they used bones of fish.
The people of  Indus Valley civilization built roads  for communication. 
       Disposal of the Dead
     The people of Indus Valley either buried the dead bodies  after burning the dead body the remains were   thrown in open for vultures.     



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